Saturday, January 7, 2012

What Is The Correct Size Betta Tank

If you are gong to have just one fish in your aquarium, you should think about getting a 2 gallon tank.  You can expect this type of tank to be about 10 inches long, 7 inches wide and 9 inches tall.  You could get a 2 gallon betta fish bowl, a 2 gallon wine glass shaped aquarium or some other shaped tank.

If you are going to have many fish, such as 5 female bettas, in your tank, you will need to consider a 25 to 30 gallon tank (5 gallons per fish).  The size of that tank would be around 15 inches long x 12 inches wide x 10inches tall.  Once again, there are many types of tanks available in many different sizes, but this will give you some idea of a 5 gallon tank size.

Learn to keep your betta fish healthy at My Healthy Betta.

Monday, January 2, 2012

How Do You Keep The Temperature Correct

So what's the answer to this betta tank temperature problem?  Don't get overstressed, it's as simple as buying a tank heater for your betta's aquarium.  Is that simple or what!  How many betta owners have had their fish die and wonder what the cause might have been.  A few words at the pet store about tank temperature would have taken care of the problem.

Many aquariums and fish tanks come equipped with tank heaters or you can easily install one in the tank. 

Your heater size will depend on the size of your betta tank.

The smallest size for a betta should be a 2 gallon tank, which would require about a 10 watt heater. 

It is best to get one that is fully submersible and is safe even if run while dry.  A heater this size can raise the water temperature by approximately 5 degrees and the cost is only around $13. 

As you get into the larger tanks, such as a 5 gallon, a 40 to 50 watt heater would be required.  Price on one such as this would be about $25.

You can get more temperature information at My Healthy Betta.